To Catch A Mermaid – Chapter Twenty

CHAPTER 20 The Thanksgiving Nerissa and I had been dozing for several hours curled on the couch with soft music when there was a sudden knock on the door. It was only 3pm and too early for my brother to drop off Thanksgiving leftovers. The storm was still blowing a lot but the snow had […]

To Catch A Mermaid – Chapter Nineteen

CHAPTERĀ 19 The Kitchen Only buy active, live lobsters weighing from 1 1/4 to 2-1/2 pounds. Do NOT buy lethargic lobsters whose claws hang limply even if they are moving slightly. Really soft lobsters contain up to 40% water so beware and they also do not last long outside of water. To check, when buying hold […]

To Catch A Mermaid – Chapter Seventeen

CHAPTER 17 The Lone Voyager (Excepts from Joe Garland’s book Lone Voyager used.) One of the more historical, amazing and incredible tales of the entire North Atlantic maritime community is the story of a Gloucesterman named Howard Blackburn. Blackburn was a renegade who left his Nova Scotia home at a young teen age to work […]